Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can help both men and women suffering from age-related hormone decline. It involves using hormones that are molecularly identical to those produced naturally by the human body. This allows the bioidentical hormones to bind perfectly with existing receptors and mimic the function of your body's own hormones. At Rebalance Hormone Clinic in Wixom, MI, we specialize in customized bioidentical hormone replacement plans tailored specifically to your unique needs and hormone levels. We use innovative testing and only the highest quality bioidentical hormones from our professional compounding pharmacy to restore your hormone balance, vitality, and overall wellbeing.

Why Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones offer several key advantages over traditional synthetic hormone replacement:

  • Molecularly identical to human hormones
  • Better absorption rates
  • Less risk of side effects
  • More natural rhythms and metabolism
  • Individualized dosing and delivery methods

This allows you to reap the benefits of balanced hormones in a safer, more effective way.

Key Takeaway: Bioidentical hormones are the closest thing to your body's own hormones, allowing for better results and fewer risks.

Our Services

Low Testosterone in Men

Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Men
Decreased sex drive and erectile dysfunction
Loss of strength/muscle mass
Increased body fat/difficulty losing weight
Depression, irritability, low motivation

Estrogen Dominance in Women

Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance in Women
Weight gain, fluid retention
Fibrocystic breasts
Anxiety, irritability, mood swings
Irregular periods, cramping, headaches

Low Thyroid (hypothyroidism)

Symptoms of Low Thyroid in Both Men and Women
Fatigue, lack of energy/stamina
Hair loss, dry skin
Difficulty losing weight
Cold sensitivity, low body temperature

Key Takeaway: Both men and women face hormone declines with age leading to troubling symptoms that can greatly reduce quality of life.

Restore your hormone balance with bioidentical therapy.

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Assessing Your Hormone Levels

Getting your hormone levels tested by a knowledgeable bioidentical hormone doctor is crucial before starting any treatment plan. This allows us to accurately identify any deficiencies and tailor the perfect supplement regimen to restore optimal balance.

We test the following essential hormones:

  • Testosterone - Free and Total
  • Estrogen - Estradiol, Estrone, Estriol
  • Progesterone
  • DHEA and DHEA-S
  • Thyroid - Free T3, Free T4, TSH
  • Vitamin D and Vitamin B12

Monitoring your levels throughout treatment allows us to continually adjust dosages so you always maintain ideal hormone balance.

Key Takeaway: Comprehensive lab testing identifies hormone deficiencies and ensures continual optimization of your bioidentical hormone therapy.

The Rebalance Hormone Clinic Difference

What makes Rebalance Hormone Clinic unique is our commitment to science-backed, integrative care that addresses your whole health - mind, body, and spirit.

  • Customized bioidentical hormones
  • Innovative testing and monitoring
  • Lifestyle optimization guidance
  • Ongoing patient education
  • Compassionate, dedicated providers

We partner with you on your journey toward hormone balance, increased vitality, and a healthier, happier life.

Key Takeaway: Rebalance Hormone Clinic provides customized bioidentical hormones combined with lifestyle guidance and compassionate care for complete wellbeing.

Getting Started with Bioidentical HRT

Getting started with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy at Rebalance Hormone Clinic follows this simple process:

Initial Consultation

We get a full understanding of your symptoms, medical history, and health goals. Any testing or imaging done by other providers is reviewed. A physical exam is performed. Initial therapy recommendations are provided.

Lab Testing

Comprehensive diagnostic bloodwork and saliva testing are ordered to precisely identify any hormone deficiencies. Follow up consult to review results.

Custom Treatment Plan

Bioidentical hormones, nutrients, or other therapies are prescribed in specifically-tailored combinations, doses, and delivery systems to restore optimal hormone balance.

Follow Up & Monitoring

Follow up visits to monitor progress, perform routine testing, adjust dosages, and support a healthy lifestyle for optimal wellness.

Key Takeaway: With initial consults, testing, customized prescriptions, and ongoing monitoring, our expert team helps guide you through the bioidentical HRT process for best results.

Restore your vitality with bioidentical hormones today.

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Benefits of Balanced Hormones

Restoring hormone deficits and maintaining balance through bioidentical hormone replacement provides extensive health benefits at any age.

Benefit Description
Increased Energy & Endurance Optimal hormone levels enhance mitochondrial function at the cellular level giving you greater stamina, focus, and strength to power through your busiest days.
Improved Cognition & Productivity Hormone balance, especially thyroid and testosterone, sharpens concentration and memory leading to great productivity and creativity.
Better Mood & Mental Health Balancing key hormones alleviates anxiety, depression, irritability, and other troublesome mental health issues. This promotes positive outlook and relationships.
Weight Loss & Metabolic Improvement Proper hormone interplay optimizes metabolic factors making it easier to lose stubborn fat and achieve a healthy BMI.
Bone & Muscle Preservation Maintaining youthful testosterone and growth hormone levels allows both men and women to preserve lean muscle mass and bone mineral density as they age.
Increased Libido & Sexual Function Restoring balance enhances desire and performance for a satisfying sex life at any age.

Key Takeaway: Balanced hormones lead to transformative increases in energy, cognitive performance, emotional wellbeing, weight control, physique, sexuality and overall health.

Rebalance Hormone Clinic Bioidentical HRT Protocols

The following are general protocols we often recommend to help guide patients starting bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. However, keep in mind we always customize treatment plans according to your individual lab results, symptoms, and preferences.

Restoring Low Testosterone in Men

For men with clinically low testosterone levels, we most often prescribe bioidentical testosterone gels, pellets, or injections dosed based on the degree of deficiency and how the patient metabolizes and responds to therapy over time.

We avoid synthetic versions and support the body's natural testosterone production through lifestyle, nutrition, and needed testing adjustments. Supportive partner hormones like thyroid and DHEA may also be prescribed.

We find most men feel and perform at their best with testosterone levels between 500 - 700 ng/dL range or higher if no side effects.

Treating Menopause in Women

Declining progesterone and testosterone coupled with estrogen/progesterone imbalance underlies most perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms in women.

We use bioidentical estrogen (usually estriol and estradiol) and progesterone dosed specifically to restore balance, often with DHEA/thyroid support. These most often come as oral capsules, sublingual drops, topical creams, or troches.

Ideal Serum Levels for Women
Estradiol 80-200 pg/mL
Progesterone 4-6 ng/mL
Free Testosterone 0.5 - 3.0 pg/mL

Doses start low and increase gradually as needed to avoid excess estrogen issues like fluid retention or spotting. Progesterone is cycled to mirror menstrual flow.

Optimizing Thyroid Function

Low energy, weight gain, and other hypothyroid symptoms call for bioidentical T3/T4 thyroid hormone replacements dosed to bring Free T3/Free T4 levels into optimal range and relieve symptoms.

This is especially crucial for supporting overall hormone balance and metabolism. Regular adjustment based on labs keeps levels ideal even as the body's needs change.

We find most patients feel best with Free T3 around 3.0-3.5 pg/mL and Free T4 1.1-1.3 ng/dL.

We also address the common issue of thyroid hormone resistance at the cellular level through diet, lifestyle enhancement, nutrient repletion, and supplements like iodine/selenium.

Key Takeaway: We personalize combination bioidentical hormone therapy centered on restoring balance between testosterone, estrogen/progesterone, and thyroid for optimal restoration of health, function, and vitality.

Lifestyle Medicine for Optimal Hormone Balance

While bioidentical hormones serve as the foundation for treatment, we also provide detailed lifestyle medicine guidance aligned with your therapy for better results and lifelong health.

Nutrition to Nourish Hormones

Key micronutrients needed for hormone production include zinc, magnesium, selenium, and vitamin D3. We provide nutrition plans high in these as well as gut-supportive prebiotic fibers to optimize absorption. Targeted supplementation fills any gaps.

Phytoestrogens from flax, soy, and other estrogenic foods/herbs are eliminated to prevent interference with prescribed hormone therapy. Bone broths provide balanced protein intake.

Exercise Enhances Hormone Receptors

Staying active with resistance and high-intensity interval training maximizes hormone receptor sensitivity for better utilization of replacement therapy. We provide custom exercise guidance based on your needs and abilities.

Yoga, stretching, and proper recovery support healthy muscle growth and inflammation control. Outdoor activity boosts vitamin D synthesis.

Stress Management & Restorative Sleep

Managing life stresses through meditation, breathing practices, time in nature, and other tools modulates cortisol and catecholamine output for better hormonal balance.

Prioritizing 7-9 hours nightly helps reset hormone rhythms and amplify circulating levels. We offer guidance on optimizing sleep quality naturally.

Toxin Elimination Protects Endocrine Health

Environmental toxin and mold exposures disrupt delicate hormone pathways. We help identify and eliminate sources through nutrition, sauna therapy, ionic detox foot baths, and other clinically proven methods.

Key Takeaway: Lifestyle optimization maximizes results from bioidentical hormone therapy while promoting lifelong health and wellness.

Leaders in Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

At Rebalance Hormone Clinic of Wixom, MI, we set ourselves apart as leaders in the rapidly growing field of anti-aging and regenerative medicine with our commitment to clinical excellence, patient-first care, and optimizing health during midlife and beyond.

Our Providers Make the Difference

Our clinic is founded and led by Dr. Sarah Johnson, a board-certified physician and national thought leader in bioidentical hormone therapy, peptides, and nutritional therapies to slow aging and promote longevity.

She partners with a team of highly trained nurses, medical assistants, health coaches, and nutrition experts who share her patient-first approach and passion for helping people live their healthiest, most vibrant lives at every age through precision hormone balance and lifestyle medicine.

Innovative Technology & Testing

We utilize advanced diagnostic testing like Genova genetics and spectral cellular analysis along with primary lab partners to gain unprecedented insight into biomarkers, nutrient status, hormone metabolism, and the underlying origins of illness.

These drive the highly customized treatments we design to target your unique biochemistry and lifestyle for unparalleled therapeutic results and disease prevention.

Holistic Patient Education

Our providers spend extensive one-on-one time explaining wellness concepts, the pros and cons of therapy options, and outlining practical steps to reach health goals through our unique approach.

We continue partnering with you to monitor progress and adjust protocols to help you thrive long term. Patient education empowers lasting change.

Key Takeaway: Our clinic founder, expert providers, advanced diagnostics, and holistic education provide all the tools needed to optimally balance your hormones and maximize health.

Additional Health Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

In addition to directly relieving deficiency symptoms, consistently balanced bioidentical hormone levels confer a variety of secondary health benefits.

  • Reduced Inflammation
  • Improved Insulin Sensitivity
  • Healthier Blood Lipids
  • Increased Telomere Length
  • Higher Antioxidant Status

Key Takeaway: Along with relief of symptoms, balancing key hormones provides a host of secondary benefits from reduced inflammation to healthier aging.

FAQs About Rebalance Hormone Clinic' Bioidentical HRT

Does health insurance cover your treatments?

While fertility treatments are not covered, we work with patients to file for reimbursement on standard medical care, testing, and prescription therapies from Medicare and private insurers based on medical necessity. We help verify your plan details.

Are there side effects or health risks to bioidentical hormones?

Carefully monitored bioidentical hormones have extremely low risks, especially compared to synthetic versions, but patients are fully informed about potential concerns like fluid retention, hair growth, or clotting predispositions based on their medical history before starting therapy.

Can bioidentical therapy help me lose weight/build muscle?

Restoring hormone deficits is extremely effective at correcting metabolic dysfunction leading to unwanted weight and fat gain while supporting the retention and building of lean mass when paired with proper nutrition and fitness plans.

What results can I realistically expect?

Most patients report life-changing relief of discomforting symptoms within the first 6 weeks with increased energy, better sleep, mental clarity, and improved physique composition after 3-6 months. Results continue progressing with sustained balance. Key Takeaway: We thoroughly discuss possible side effects and realistic expectations regarding results of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy so patients understand the process and choices.


At Rebalance Hormone Clinic, we are passionate about providing cutting-edge testing, bioidentical protocols, lifestyle guidance, and compassionate support for complete hormone health at any age.

We invite you to schedule a consultation today with one of our highly trained bioidentical doctors specializing in customized bioidentical hormones prescribed using only the highest quality compounds from our professional compounding pharmacy.

The Rebalance Hormone Clinic difference means unmatched excellence in functional, integrative hormone replacement therapies to help you look and feel your best while maximizing healthspan. We consider it a privilege to support your journey toward optimal vitality and longevity.

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